No matter what ails you, whether it is stress, anxiety,
upset, fear, physical challenges, or any other number of things, taking a
moment to stand with prayer pose in mountain pose will balance, heal and uplift
Mountain pose in itself is strengthening, yet calming, but
the addition of prayer pose (hands in the prayer position whether at the chest,
behind the back or over the head) will bring in instant unity with the Spirit
and the Source within. All negativity and unbalance will fade away and you will
be able to shift into alignment with All that Is.
To get into mountain pose:
Pose of the Mountain - Tadasana
In the standing position stand as straight and tall as
possible, eyes straight ahead, body tall and stretched, shoulders back. Feet a couple inches apart. Imagine a light string pulling your head and
neck as high and straight as possible.
Upper torso is straight, legs straight.
Now add prayer pose:
Hands in prayer position in front of the chest, over the
head or behind the back. Relax into the pose. Breath in and exhale. Repeat ten times, straightening further with
each complete breath. The hands in prayer position will give you a strong focal
point and you will be able to feel yourself drawing in the fresh,, clean,
balanced energy.
The beauty of this combination is that it is so powerful yet
so easy to do most anywhere, any time. It may also be done seated at a desk or
wherever but is more powerful when performed in the standing position.
You will feel calmed, strengthened, renewed, balanced and
aligned. Repeat when necessary, whenever and wherever.
Namaste and Aloha!
From Author, Angel Intuitive & Yoga Instructor, Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam, CYI-250
Empowering YOU for a happier,soul-filled life
About Cheryl Yale Bruedigam
Cheryl Yale Bruedigam, publisher of Aloha Body Mind and Soul, author, has been writing spiritually for thirty years. With undergraduate studies in English and women's studies, she devoted over a decade of research and writing to women’s studies and women's spirituality.
Bruedigam is also a certified yoga and meditation instructor. She has lived on the Island of Oahu.
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