Monday, June 5, 2017

Create, Manifest and Move Mountains with the Power of Hawaiian Goddess Pele

Pele – Hawaiian Goddess of Fire, Wind, Lightening and Volcanoes
Create, Manifest and Move Mountains with the Power of Hawaiian Goddess Pele

by Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam

Pele by Hrana-Janto

Pele is considered to be the creator of the Hawaiian Islands. She creates and manifests the very land itself into being. She is a powerful energy that when called upon will help you to enhance your creativity, light your fire of passion or help you to shift and overcome any obstacles that may be blocking your way.

Pele’s power relates to the solar plexus or the third chakra, Manipura, which is the seat of our will, our power, our creativity and our Divine energy flow. From this point, this place of energetic creation, Pele can help you to stream your energy through your system to all points for greater strength and determination. Coupled with her powerful attributes, you too can harness the ability to channel the creative life force within you.

Before working with this, be sure to release any and all negativity through meditation or relaxation. When you begin to direct and receive this Divine feminine energy, you want to be free of any negativity so that the flow is pure, radiant and unblocked. To release any negativity, lie or sit in relaxation with eyes closed and visualize all negative, toxic energy releasing through your fingertips, vaporizing into the air.

Now to harness on the creative energy of Pele.
Here is a helpful request to get you started:

Pele, goddess of fire and creation, Pele of the sacred land, inspire me to create that which I desire in my heart that is of goodness to my self and to all, that I may do the work of my spirit with the power to shift and manifest all that is needed. Strengthen my will to remove or overcome any obstacles in my life so that I might fulfill my destiny as I am so divinely inspired. Mahalo.

Author’s note:
As is noted by famed mythologist, Joseph Campbell, it is important to understand that spiritual deities are representations of the psyche that when worked with, help us to improve those attributes with which they are associated. Do not allow superstition to cause assumptions as to think that any “worship” is involved here. Invoking the Divine feminine spirit that already resides within each of us is part of a healthy, balanced, spiritual practice as She comes in many forms through all variations of cultural goddesses including the Virgin Mary and so many more.

From Author, Angel Intuitive & Yoga Instructor, Cheryl Yale-Bruedigam, CYI-250
Empowering YOU for a happier,soul-filled life

About Cheryl Yale Bruedigam

Cheryl Yale Bruedigam, publisher of Aloha Body Mind and Soul, author, has been writing spiritually for thirty years. With undergraduate studies in English and women's studies, she devoted over a decade of research and writing to women’s studies and women's spirituality.

Bruedigam is also a certified yoga and meditation instructor. She has lived on the Island of Oahu. 

Order her books or find them on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and ITunes.

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