Sunday, April 2, 2017

Becoming Your Peace

Finding your peace is one thing, it can be the easy part. Becoming your peace, being your peace, can be another thing entirely. 

We can find our inner peace in quiet time, in prayer or meditation or in nature or immersed in any activity in which we are passionate or in being with a loved one. Keeping, and becoming this peace is the tricky part as we become distracted by external people or situations, stress, upset, fears or any other negative feelings.

Learning to steer the mind back to the places of peace is the answer and with practice it can be easily done at any time. Meditation will help to develop and strengthen this ability as you realize that you have the power to create and travel within yourself anywhere, any time. Before you know it, you will not only have discovered your peace but you will become your peace.

Aloha for a peaceful Sunday!

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Time to Come into Your Warrior Power

Add personal confidence to your day with this easy, simple but powerful pose,
Warrior II, Virabhadrasana. And when you need to, call upon the warrior within.

The Warrior II  
Stand in Mountain pose. Inhale and move feet three and one half to four feet apart. Turn left foot to angle, turn head to left. Stretch the arms out parallel to the floor with left arm toward left leg and right arm stretched behind you.  Inhale and bend left leg to right angle, looking straight down to finger tip of middle finger as you exhale.  Align your heels. Make sure that your knee is not further out than the toes so that you are not overextending.  Shin should be perpendicular to floor. Hold for at least four breaths.  Repeat on other side. Return to normal standing position (pose of the mountain, tadasana).
Alternate pose: Come back up on the exhalation and go back into the pose on the inhalation.

Repeat for right side.  Return to normal standing position (pose of the mountain).

(do nnot practice this pose if you have high blood pressure)